The different uses of the tarpaulin 150 grams

The 150 gram tarp is the versatile tarp. It is useful everywhere, in all environments and all weather. In short, it is the tarp that you must always have at home.
One tarp for multiple uses
Whether you are an individual or a craftsman, the 150 gram tarpaulin is very useful. You have 6 different dimensions, which means you can find them for all uses. If you are a roofing professional, you will have dozens of ways to use this product, the most common being to cover in the event of a storm. Before doing the work, this tarp will be used to put the roof out of water. It will already be a great comfort. You will then intervene and the support will be dry. This tarpaulin has a lifespan of less than 2 years.
For you too, individuals, a tarp is the element that always serves.
Whether to cover a pile of wood, a pool, a car is common use. Then, following the storm, this tarp will also be used to dry your belongings while waiting for the arrival of the roofer. The different dimensions make it a very sought after product on Bâches-direct, these are quality products that you can receive tomorrow at home.
One question? Do not hesitate to contact us. You will be assured of a good product, at a competitive price. The settlement is secure. Fast delivery.
Immediately ordered, immediately delivered to your home. Having a good tarp is a security that you have planned.